
Sculpture - Memorial



2023, Bronze

2023 | Bronze


At first glance you may think you’re looking at a cast of a baby hand and foot, but that is not the case…

With this piece it was joyful to create something tangible as a memorial for a grieving parent but simultaneously hard-hitting facing the reality of stillbirth and baby loss.

My client lost a son far along in pregnancy, something I just cannot grasp and don’t think anyone can unless they’ve been there. There had always been something she wanted to do to commemorate him but hadn’t really known what - until we chatted.

Many parents get to do all the cute things with a new baby - photoshoots, first outfits and one of those special things is casting their hands and feet.

We decided to create two bespoke memorial sculptures referencing his heart-breaking hand and foot prints taken when he was born. She wanted something to touch, a hand she could hold. And an extra special part of this is that inside both bronzes are the precious ashes of her baby boy.

Sculpting in wax allows for a combination of moulding and carving - brilliant for detail on a very small scale and preferable to clay as it doesn’t crack.

The original waxes were moulded for casting as sculptures need to be made into a hollow wax version to be cast in metal.


A beautiful rainbow effect temporarily appeared during the heating/cooling process when patinating the metal.


Lizzie Cane’s work looks at the human condition and how, knowingly or not, we physically bare our soul through body language and behaviour. From the figurative to the abstract, across all mediums she aims to coax the viewer into reflecting on their own emotional experiences.